People Tracking in Manufacturing Facilities
Tracking people in manufacturing facilities is very important to ensure efficient operation of the facility. Blue-tooth-based employee tracking system helps accurately evaluate your employee’s efficiency and productivity on the production floor. The system automatically maps hours spent on individual machines, manufacturing area or job sites. Real-time data is wirelessly captured and can be analyzed by management for optimization and improved production & operational costs.
Providing management with accurate real-time production & manufacturing data
By tracking employees and their performance in manufacturing locations, employers will improve their production processes and have visibility on critical manufacturing deadlines. Automated analytical manufacturing reports will enable production supervisors and managers to increase production and at the same time improve employee productivity and achieve better organizational performance.
Software enabling to track employees and their performance in manufacturing

- People locating and real time activity monitoring system
- Improve security and safety of your employees
- IoT enabled real time locating system to manage resources
- Data supports strategic decision making and operational improvements
- Tracking your employees, contractors and visitors
- Personnel tracking and time attendance systems
- Monitor employee operational time at workstations
Improving and enhancing employee and organizational performance
- Manufacturing visibility on labour progress and performance
- Workforce efficiency, productivity and compliance
- Real-time data enabling decision making on resources, scheduling and effectively reducing production costs
- Empowers management with almost instant access to employee location & visibility
- Easy integration to have more software features like Access control & environment Sensor alerts
- Increases operational efficiency, productivity & project management
- Reports will identify bottlenecks and recurring issues in the production process, allowing effective inventory optimization

Ensuring efficiency with material and machinery on the production floor
Employees can be equipped with BLE beacons that are attached to their hard hats or clipped to their clothing. Factory wide beacon receivers or gateways are networked and are capable of receiving wireless signals as employees with beacons enter and exit certain gateway read zones within the facilities. Beacon signals are recorded every few seconds by the nearest gateway. Data capturing by the tracking system provides management with on-site real time visualization, allowing production supervisors to efficiently coordinate production processes and improve on productivity.
Live reporting to analyze and make quick decisions on resources and material

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